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Thank you to those who wished my husband Tony and I safe travels over the Christmas New Year break. We had an amazing time and everyday I smiled at the simplest of things like picking up only two suitcases at the airport - usually I am counting anywhere between 18 and 44 suitcases. I haven't travelled without dancers for a really long time.

Tony and I travelled to London, Zurich where we went up into the Swiss Mountains, Milan, Paris and then back to London returning through Perth, Adelaide landing safely home in Alice Springs during a massive dust storm which nearly prevented the flight from landing.

Other than one train strike our travels were filled with days of walking all day and taking photographs, drinking coffee, eating amazing food watching the world go by being inspired by everything. It was heartbreaking to watch the news each day with the fires in Australia front and centre of every news service on every channel in every language. Each time we arrived anywhere and spoke with our recognisable Australian accents we were asked where we came from and if our house and family were safe. Everyone cared and felt helpless.

For those of you who don't know Tony spends his days and nights passionately and painstakingly ordering the milk, bread, coffee, small goods, fruit and vegetables for Premium Pete. His challenge is having good quality Australian grown produce at good prices, supporting our farmers and looking after our customers. Premium Pete is a great support for the Ballet School and the Ballet Company.

It was amusing to watch Tony in Europe going into all the supermarkets, street markets and fruit and vegetable shops looking at all the produce. He was amused that somehow their fruit and vegetable shops were smaller that Premium Pete with more stock and people crammed into practically no space at all.

Tony likes to be active so walking many kilometres everyday was a given and it was fantastic seeing him enjoy the adventure that he had spent the whole year organising.

I am trying not to write too much or post too many photographs - this is me trying restraint.

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