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Thats a Wrap!

Interesting, I always think I have more time than I actually have so I guess this is late news. Tiffanie, Billy and Tamara arrived back from a very successful trip to Darwin and 12 hours later straight into Nutcracker rehearsals. As always they were focused and quickly got into the rhythm of classes, rehearsals, production meetings, costumes, teaching and packing for our theatre bump-in. The added tasks of preparing the 2018 timetable writing reports and preparing certificates for the students certainly made the studio a very busy place.

The Nutcracker had fantastic audiences which certainly lit up the faces of the performers. Our youngest dancers learn so much from those who are a little older than themselves and this week in the studio they are very different people, more than ready to progress to the next level of ballet, jazz and tap.

In the next few days Christmas classes will be an exciting time for everyone as we celebrate wrapping up the end of 2017, and wrapping gifts for loved ones. On the 9th December will launch our 2018 Performance Seasons and keep an eye on the website, we will be announcing planned Guest Teachers and Study Tours as they are finalised.

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What We Do


Classical Ballet - Adults & Children

Dance Technique

Jazz Ballet

Contemporary Dance

Tap Dancing 


Mat Pilates

Clinical Pilates

Equipment Pilates

Personal Programmes

Exercise & Rehabilitation


1 on 1

Initial Assessment
Peta Baillie

Personal Programme
Peta Baillie

Peta Baillie

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